Online Tile Calculator :

Online Tile Calculator
Online Tile Calculator
Floor or Wall
Tile Size
Enter the price of the Tile
Tile Calculator :
  • Tile Calculator is used to calculate the area of sq.ft , area of 1 tile , tiles needed and cost.
  • The online tile calculator is very easy to get the result.
Description :
  • Tiles are manufactured furnishing materials commonly used to cover internal walls, ceilings and floors.
  • They can be simple and functional or decorative and elaborate such as mosaics.
  • Tiles can be manufactured from a wide range of substances, both hard. Likewise : ceramic, porcelain, stone, marble, clay, slate, glass, etc.
  • Tiles serve more than just their function as a protective surface for areas of your home.
  • They play an important role in the interior design of your home by creating an atmosphere which adds to the look and feel of the living space.
  • Ceramic and porcelain tiles are economical and require less maintenance than natural stone tiles (like marble, slate and granite).
  • Both ceramic and porcelain tiles are best suited for flooring.
  • Ceramic tiles can be used in bathrooms and kitchens because of their waterproof nature.
Tile Calculation Formula :
  • To find the Area of Sq.Feet of Floor or wall. Then,
  • Area of Sq.Feet = Length * Breadth.
  • To find the Area of 1 Tile. Then,
  • Area of 1 Tile = (Length  * Breadth) / 1000.
  •  To find the Tiles Needed. Then,
  • Tiles Needed = Area of Sq.Feet / Area of 1 Tile.
  • To find the Cost of Tiles. Then,
  • Cost = Price * Tiles Needed.
  • Besides, the formula this calculator works.
How to Calculate ?
  • First, Enter the Length and Breadth in feet of floor or wall. Then,
  • Second, Enter the Length and Breadth in cm of Tile Size. Then,
  • Enter the Prize of the Tile. Then,
  • Click “Calculate” button to get the result and in addition to clear values Click “Reset”.
  • Finally, follow these steps to get the results.
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