Online kVA to VA :

kVA to VA
kVA :
  • A KVA is simply 1,000 volt amps and then A volt is electrical pressure and an amp is electrical current.
  •  Then, A term called apparent power (the absolute value of complex power, S) is equal to the product of the volts and amps.
  • The primary difference between kW (kilowatt) and kVA (kilovolt-ampere) is the power factor and then kW is the unit of real power and kVA is a unit of apparent power (or real power plus re-active power).
VA :
  • A volt-ampere is the unit for the apparent power in an electrical circuit.
  • The apparent power equals the product of root mean square voltage and root mean square current.In direct current circuits, this product is equal to the real power in watts.
kVA to VA :
  • It is a conversion calculator which converts the apparent power in Kilovolts-amps (kVA) and the power factor to volt-amps (VA).
  • It is slightly different from other conversion calculators the fact that it only has one text field.
  • It is simple to operate and will require you to enter the kilovolts-amps (kVA) in the first text field.
  • S (VA) = 1000 x S (kVA).
  • Which means that the apparent power in volt-amps is calculated by multiplying 1000 by the apparent power in Kilovolt-amps.
  • The formula can also be described as,VA = 1000 x Kilovolt-amps or VA = 1000 x kVA.
How to Calculate ?
  • You can easily use this online kVA to VA calculator for converting kVA to VA.
  • Enter Kilowatt-amps.
  • Click “Calculate” to get the result and then if you want to clear values Click “Reset” in addition to clear the values.
  • Besides, the formula this calculator works.
  • Finally, follow these steps to get the results.
  • Then you will get as a result in Volt-amps (VA).
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