Cooling and Heating Load :

Cooling Load
Square Feet
Total Members
Total Windows
Total Doors
Cooling and Heating Load Calculator :
  • This Cooling and Heating load calculator are the simple calculator with simple calculation.
  • When BTUs are used to measure the amount of heat that an air conditioning unit can remove from a room per hour.
  • By measuring BTUs (British Thermal Units), technicians can define a general estimate while in the field.
  • Load means the amount of heating or cooling required by a building. 
  • Then, the Capacity refers to the amount of heating or cooling an HVAC system can offer.
Cooling Load :
  • The cooling load is the amount of heat energy that would need to be removed from a space (cooling) to maintain the temperature in an acceptable range.
Heating Load :
  • The heating load is the amount of heat energy that would need to be added to a space to maintain the temperature in an acceptable range.
Formula :
  • The below given formula is used to calculate the cool & heat load calculator.
  • Add 100 BTUS for members.
  • Initially, First : Square Feet = Number * 25.
  • Then, Second : Total Members = Number * 500 + 100.
  • Then, Third : Total Windows = Number * 1000.
  • Then , Fourth : Total Doors = Number * 1000.
  • Finally , BTU = Square Feet + Total Members + Total Windows + Total Doors.
  • Besides, the formula this calculator works.
How to Calculate ?
  • First, Enter the square feet.
  • Second, Enter the total members in the famiy lives in house.
  • Third, Enter how many windows are there in the house.
  • Fourth, Enter how many doors in your house.
  • Click “Calculate” button to get the result and in addition to clear values Click “Reset”.
  • Finally, follow these steps to get the results.
  • Then you will get as a result of BTU.
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