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Online Volts to eV :

Volts to eV
Enter Voltage in Volts: V
Select Charge Unit Type:
Enter Elementary Charge: e
Result in Electron-Volts: eV
Volts :
  • The volt is the derived unit for electric potential, electric potential difference, and electromotive force.
  • Then, It is named after the Italian physicist Alessandro Volta.
eV :
  • An electronvolt is the measure of an amount of kinetic energy gained by a single electron accelerating from rest through an electric potential difference of one volt in vacuum.
  • The electron volt, unit of energy commonly used in atomic and nuclear physics, equal to the energy gained by an electron (a charged particle carrying unit electronic charge) when the electrical potential at the electron increases by one volt.
  • Then, The electron volt equals 1.602 × 1012 erg, or 1.602 × 1019 joule.
Volts to eV :
  • It is a conversion calculator used to convert the electrical voltage in volts (V) to the energy in electron volts (eV).
  • Our volt to electron volt calculator uses the following. Formula, eV = V × e.
Electron Volts with Elementary Charge :
  • E (eV) = V (V) x Q (e). Then, it means that the energy in electron volts is calculated by multiplying the voltage in volts by the electric charge in electron charge (e).
Electron Volts with Coulombs :
  • E (eV) = V (V) x Q (C) / 1.602176565 x 10-19. Then, it means that the energy in electron volts is calculated by multiplying the voltage in volts by the electrical charge in coulombs.
  • Then, The result will be divided by (1.602176565 x 10-19).
How to Calculate ?
  • You can easily use this online volts to eV calculator for converting volts to eV.
  • First, Enter voltage in volts. Then, Second : Select charge unit type. Then, Third : Enter Elementary charge.
  • Click “Calculate” to get the result and then if you want to clear values Click “Reset” in addition to clear the values.
  • Besides, the formula this calculator works.
  • Finally, follow these steps to get the results.
  • Then you will get as a result in Electron-volts (eV).
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